Deep Dive into the Zero-trust Approach for Security in Education
Education institutions hold some of the most sensitive and valuable data, including personal, financial, and sometimes even medical information. However, maintaining an open and accessible learning environment for students and teachers requires a delicate balance between security and accessibility. How can educational institutions deliver seamless online education while keeping their systems secure?
Enter: zero trust. In this seminar, we bring together leaders in the cybersecurity industry and top information and data officers from educational institutions and government in Singapore to discuss:
- The pressing challenges of cybersecurity in higher education
- The advantages of implementing a zero-trust model
- The challenges and considerations of adopting zero-trust
- Real-world case studies of successful zero-trust implementations
- The latest digital solutions for executing a zero-trust cyber strategy
Note: This event is only for Government & Public Sector Agencies, Statutory Board, and Education sector attendees. GovInsider reserve the right to decline registrations from outside these sectors.
Enter: zero trust. In this seminar, we bring together leaders in the cybersecurity industry and top information and data officers from educational institutions and government in Singapore to discuss:
- The pressing challenges of cybersecurity in higher education
- The advantages of implementing a zero-trust model
- The challenges and considerations of adopting zero-trust
- Real-world case studies of successful zero-trust implementations
- The latest digital solutions for executing a zero-trust cyber strategy
Note: This event is only for Government & Public Sector Agencies, Statutory Board, and Education sector attendees. GovInsider reserve the right to decline registrations from outside these sectors.
One Farrer Hotel
Date & Time
From: Mar 24, 2024 - 09:06AM (GMT+7)
To: Apr 06, 2024 - 09:06AM (GMT+7)
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