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GovInsider reaches a unique audience spanning ASEAN and beyond, including Ministers, Governors, C-level executives and key decisionmakers from both the public and private sectors. We love bringing good people with good ideas together. Here are some ways you can work with us:

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Do you represent an organisation or an industry champion that has something to say? Do you have a story, an idea, a solution that will help tackle government’s pressing challenges? Email us if you have something unique to share.

Contact: [email protected]

Content Marketing

Many public sector innovators are not trained within the IT industry. As your brand and product evolves, we educate them with you. GovInsider writes your content for you to ensure that your marketing appeals to your target audience. Talk with our team to find out how you can showcase your brand as a tech pioneer for the public sector.

Contact: [email protected]


Our events unite the public and private sectors to build relationships, learn from each other, and create solutions. Our flagship summit has been named one of the six “key” global events where digital government officials can share their learnings by the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. Find out how we can support your event with our experience and expertise or strengthen relationships with the public sector through GovInsider’s curated events.

Contact: [email protected]