The Team

GovInsider is a team of writers, developers, government geeks, events producers, and content marketers. We love working with the public sector!

Adrian Sng

Portfolio Director

Adrian is GovInsider’s Director and also the Portfolio director of Clarion Events Asia. Scaling events, communities and businesses to serve the global industry has been Adrian’s calling for over 20 years. In his free time, Adrian loves his business and finance news, cheering his favourite football team Liverpool and suffering from taking part in endurance sports. He holds a master’s degree from the National University of Singapore.

[email protected]

Liew Ming En

Reporter and Conference Producerr

Ming En is a Reporter at GovInsider. She studied Psychology and Linguistics & Multilingual Studies at Nanyang Technological University. In her down time, she loses herself in fictional worlds conjured up in books and sometimes dreams of becoming a circus artist.

[email protected]

Yogesh Hirdaramani

Reporter and Conference Producer

Yogesh is a Reporter and Conference Producer at GovInsider. He studied Literature at Yale-NUS College. Outside work, he enjoys discussing cult classic television and cinema.

[email protected]

Rachel Teng

Reporter and Conference Producer

Rachel is a Reporter and Conference Producer at GovInsider. She studied Environmental Studies (Biology) at the National University of Singapore. In her down time, you can find her birdwatching or singing at live music bars.

[email protected]

Woo Hoi Yuet

Singapore-based Contributor

Hoi Yuet is a Singapore-based Contributor at GovInsider. She is currently studying in Yale-NUS, planning to major in Urban Studies or Environmental Studies. Eating comfort food, taking care of the school’s farm, and looking at cats bring her great joy.

[email protected]

Mochamad Azhar

Indonesia-based Contributor

Mochamad Azhar is an Indonesia-based Correspondent at GovInsider. He studied Sociology at University of Indonesia. He has experience as a journalist for newspapers, online media and television. In his free time, he enjoys exploring Indonesia’s natural beauty with his ADV bike.

[email protected]

Stania Puspawardhani

Indonesia-based Contributor

Stania Puspawardhani is Jakarta-based contributor at Govinsider. She’s a PhD candidate in Natural Resources and Environmental Management Sciences at IPB University, Indonesia. She has over 17 years of working experience in journalism, international relations, and environmental affairs.

[email protected]

Wani Razak

Marketing Manager

Wani is a Marketing Manager at GovInsider. She has 8 years of experience in running digital marketing campaigns and collaborated with multi-national companies in increasing user acquisition and achieving digital marketing goals. She enjoys working out during her free time.

[email protected]

Samantha Lim

Marketing Manager

Samantha is a Marketing Manager at GovInsider. She has experience in the tech space and has successfully ran digital campaigns and events. In her free time, she is often looking for the next documentary to watch.

[email protected]

Shiyuan Fang

Campaign Lead

Fang is Campaign Lead at GovInsider and the team’s defacto therapist. Building upon her many years of Account Servicing and now Counselling experience, she enjoys solving problems for clients. Hit her up to talk about issues, whether it’s about your campaign or existential crisis.

[email protected]

Tyler Lim

Campaign Leads

Tyler is a campaign lead in GovInsider. He loves to meet and chat with people from all backgrounds and has deep experience in engagement with both the public and private sector. He spends most of his time “out of the box”, thinking up new and creative engagement formats that meshes the digital and physical.

[email protected]

Annabelle Ooi

Operations Manager

Annabelle is operations manager for GovInsider’s events. She has been managing events, exhibitions and conferences for the last seven years.

[email protected]

Rane Tan

Partnerships Director

Rane is Partnerships Director at GovInsider. He has spent the last 10 years working closely with Fortune 500, Multi-National Companies and Small Medium Businesses internationally to meet their business objectives through the platform he worked on.

[email protected]

Richard Ireland

Managing Director of Clarion Events Asia

Richard is GovInsider’s honorary publisher, and the managing director of Clarion Events Asia. He is a master’s graduate from the University of Sydney, and has been involved in business media and events for the past 20 years.

[email protected]

Truong DAo


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[email protected]

Tran Hiep


Tran Hiep


[email protected]

Truong Dao